Water Fasting Losing 7.5 Pounds in 4 Days

Hi Anna,

Great to hear back from you!

I'm new to the idea's of fasting 1x a week &/or "do twice 24-hour fasting every week" for weight loss? I read the Bragg's book back in
January but I didn't try that concept at all.

What I did try out of that book in March was the Bragg ACV cocktail fast to rid your body of "Acid Uric Crystals". The book mentioned that if you roll your neck around you'll hear them. So, I rolled my neck and could hear very noticable grinding noises. So, I followed the Bragg's advice and completed a 2 day fast on 3-4 8ou. cups of distilled water & about 4 cups of 8ou. distilled water + 1-2 teaspoons each of Raw Honey + Bragg's ACV. On the morning after the 2 day fast, I took my first urine in a glass jar and left it sit in my vanity for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, I held it up to light and saw for the first
time my crystals that came out of my body!! Woo Hoo!! I'm on my way to getting rid of them which will in turn protect me from certain types of Arthritis!!

Fasting is somewhat new to me but I guess I'll give it a try. My boyfriend (pre-ance:) is concerned that it could hurt my body? I don't know.

This week is the 1st week. I followed your recommendation and here's my progress:

Oct/10/2011: 191 lbs
Oct/11/2011: 24 (36) hours water fast
Oct/12/2011: 185.5 lbs I ate plenty of food and drank water
Oct/13/2011: 185.5 lbs + 24 (36) hours water fast
Oct/14/2011: 183-183.5 lbs
Total weight loss: 7.5 lbs

Thanks for your advice,


Hi Julie
Great to hear from you. 7.5 pounds in 4 days is very encouraging. It's been 3 weeks now, what's your current weight? You should be able to have your boyfriend's support as you've proved that fasting for weight loss works!

Though fasting won't restrict the type of food we eat, but eager to know your diet and your favourite food.

Keep going!

November 6, 2011

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