Water Fasting Has Been Transformational

by Natasha
(Scotia, NY, USA)

In December of 2010 I had a really bad and painful experience with my (now former) gynecologist and it was shortly after that experience I made the decision to change my life and take control of my health.

I quit smoking marijuana and drinking. I quitted smoking cigarettes 5 years ago and started eating nothing but vegetables and healthy grass fed meats and drinking raw milk, which I was raised on.

I have been battling obesity since the age of 13 and have had a long struggle with being overweight, 160 lbs and only 5'1". After 3 months of eating healthy and only marginal weight loss I decided it was time to do a 15 day water fast.

I had fasted for a day or two on and off for over a year or so and had spent some time doing as much research as I could on water fasting.

I am now into day 9 of my fast and have lost 20 lbs so far, current weight is 140 lbs. The first 2 days were the worst with hunger pains but that subsided fairly quickly. I also had another advantage, because of the healthier eating before the fast my body had already flushed many of the toxins out of my system.

Since water fasting I have had good days and bad days. Some days I am full of energy and other days I am very tired. I get the winter off (I'm a landscaper) so I have plenty of time to take care of me.

If you are considering a water fast to lose weight or for your health than I urge you to water fast and be serious about changing your eating habits!! It has transformed my life and I hope it will transform yours as well. There are a lot of people who claim that water fasting is bad for you, don't feed into the lies. That is part of the problem with our society. Happy Fasting!!

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